Can I get a personal loan of 10000eur?



I would like to get a personal loan for 10000, I am working i the same security company for 1,5 years in total but i hade a break of 9 months couse i was finishing me college. I have a permanent contract geting around 430eur a week, paying 170 a month for rent, so i usually save arount 1200euros a month, today i asked for a personal loan in the bank where i have me account but they said no, the main reason was no savings account, a was saving the money for the past 2 monts in me basic account just to show that i can manage the repayments but thats not enough for them, i saved around 3000 in 2 months.Have no credit history have no credit cards and no dephts. So i'd like to ask should i keep trying another bank or i am just not good enough? Thank you.
If you saved €3000 in 2 months then in another 5 months you'll have your 10k...
if i would have needet 10k in 5 months would not have posted this smart ass. better to keep quet some times then to post stupit replies.

The OP asked about the loan over 18 months ago (and has bumped their own thread to make a comment) - based on another thread, the OP is no longer working or in the country.