Can I follow Twitter feeds in an RSS reader?


Registered User
I'm not registered on Twitter, but there are a couple of feeds of interesting organisations that I'd like to follow. I really, really don't want to have another app page to open each time. Twitter is also blocked in work by narrow minded folk who don't understand that it is used by businesses.

Is it possible for me to follow designated Twitter feeds via an RSS reader? seems to suggest that there was an app for this, but the app has dissappeared.
I follow twitter feeds using Google Reader. There is usually a delay in the updated messages being refreshed, hence repeated used of the Refresh button.

Use the 'Add Subscription' button to add the feed, in the format
Brilliant, thanks TarfHead.

The timing thing isn't a big issue for me. It's not that I need to know instantly if these organisations has tweeted. I tend to check my Google reader just a couple of times a day anyway.
.. except now it doesn't work for me any more .

Well, Reader doesn't work any more in IE6 which is the version I'm stuck with in work. Don't get me started on the

Google has being freshening up it's various user interfaces, aimed at the eventual public launch of 'Google +'. The updates to Reader mean I can no longer check xml/RSS feeds in work. Which means I'll have one less outlet for faffing when I should be working .

Still, there's always AAM to keep me in the loop of what's going on !
Don't like the recent refresh to the Google pages - that header across the top with grey text on a black background is very difficult to read.