Can I expect this with all dealers?


Registered User
This add was on Carzone yesterday and this morning for a 06 Passat...
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except the price was at €11500. I rang this morning enquiring, and the guy said that they had a student in on work experience that put up the ads, but did the price wrong on this one. He said that they had received lots of calls at that price, but they were changing it this morning. So I said to him what's the right price, and he said €13,500. I asked was that the trade in price and he said it was. So 2 hours later and the price has changed to €15, So can I expect a dealer to come down 2k in their prices in relation to a car similar to this?
That's a 130 bhp Passat with the ASZ / BLT engine option, a more expensive car than the 105 / 110 bhp cars.
I understand all that, but if you rang him now would he drop his price to €13,500 like he told me this morning? My point is do all dealers overprice their cars by a couple thousand. I know I could expect to haggle, but by €2k?????
You can definitely expect the overpricing part. In times like these, if you enter a garage wanting a car and the price is eg 10k and they wont drop it then you get offended and feel you're getting ripped off. If they charge 15k and then say 'Hmm. . . If you paid cash I could do 10' you're thinking to yourself that you've gotten a good deal and are happy. I'd be unhappy personaly if a garage advertised the 'best' price as I expect to bargain them down. . . . It is just common sense!
I understand all that, but if you rang him now would he drop his price to €13,500 like he told me this morning? My point is do all dealers overprice their cars by a couple thousand. I know I could expect to haggle, but by €2k?????

I think this has been common practice for years. Especially when you see trade in deals where a dealer will give 2K for any older banger. If you actually check the prices of the cars on their forecourt and compare them to the open market price, used by revenue, you will find an 'uncanny' difference of about 2K.

Was at a dealer about 3 years ago looking to buy a 1 year old Opel with no trade in. He spent 10 minutes telling me about what a great deal he'd give me, went away to check with his boss, and then told me he could drop the price from 22500 to 21000, and what a massive discount that was. I told him I had to ring the wife and check; rang revenue and asked them for the open market price of the car for VRT reasons; guess what, the price was 21000. I went to the sales guy and asked him if he would give the same discount on the open market price, which for the first time rendered him speechless. So I asked to speak to his boss, who was unable/unwilling to deal with me.

Bottom line is, find out the open market price and use that as a base to haggle.
There is no 130hp option on the current passat - all 1.9 engines are 105hp - the 2.0tdi come in 140 and 170hp options.
The Open Market Selling Price on the Revenue VRT Calculator website are totally wrong. They overvalue cars by an awful amount.
Eg Ford Fiesta Steel 2007 20k miles OMSP €13773 according to revenue


from €8k on various websites...

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