Can I drive a Less than 3 Tonne Truck ?


Registered User
Can I drive a less than 3 Tonne small Truck on a "B" licence if the insurance was transferred for a day or 2 ?

It's a full width small truck about 22 foot long.

Thanks in anticipation of an answer
Can’t give you a definite answer, it is something I have also wondered.

There are Metric Tons, Long Tons and Short Tons, three of any of these Tons would be less than 3,500KG.

An Irish B licence shows a picture of a car and states if less than or equal to 3,500KG,

But a 3,499Kg truck is clearly not a car.

It is not very clear.
B covers up to 3500 kg laden regardless of the shape of the vehicle.
Would that not be un-laden ?

Vehicles (other than motorcycles, mopeds, work vehicles or land tractors) having a MAM1 not exceeding 3,500 kg, designed and constructed for the carriage of no more than eight passengers in addition to the driver and where the MAM1 weight of the trailer is not greater than 750 kg. The combined MAM1 weight of the drawing vehicle and trailer must not be greater than 3,500 kg.
That would not be my interpretation.

Surely if that was the case I could be legally driving a vehicle of 3,499Kg, go to the shops, throw a bag of spuds in the back and be no longer licensed to drive home.

The regulations are not very clear as they are open to interpretation.
For the last time, when I say Laden I mean the total weight of the vehicle plus load.

So truck plus load must be less than 3500.
Can I drive a less than 3 Tonne small Truck on a "B" licence

My understanding is only If the ‘‘MAM’’ or ‘DGVW’’ of the vehicle is 3,500 KG or less.

Your B licence covers you up to 3,500KG, maximum authorised mass (MAM), which manufacturers generally refer to as gross vehicle weight (DGVW).

According to RSA, MAM or DGVW includes the load, passengers, fuel, the lot.
Thanks everyone. ! I wasn't expecting that many answers.
It's another man's truck. He's a bit incapacitated at the moment but has some short journey's to be run. The gross vehicle weight would be well under 3500kg.