Can I claim TRS?


Registered User
Hi, can I claim TRS for 2005,2006,2007,2008 and 2009 or can I only claim for four years back?
TRS claims are subject to the four year time limit, though considering the recent postal delays, Revenue backlogs & how early it still is into 2010, if you act quickly & if your claim was dated December 2009 you may still get your 2005 claim considered. There is no harm in submitting it anyway.
Excuse my ignorance! I'm in the construction sector and very new to all this!

Do the revenue contact my bank to release TRS?
When you fill in your application form, you will have to provide details of your mortgage (Lender, account number, date loan was taken out etc.). Revenue contact your lender to confirm these details, & your lender gives them your interest details (or estimated details for the amount of interest you will pay for the entire year). Revenue then instruct your lender of how much TRS that you are entitled to, & they apply this amount to your loan repayments.

If you haven't already, have a look at

The changes in the latest budget don't seem to be fully updated yet on the Revenue site, but you can apply on line for 2010, & you can download an application form from the site for your claim for previous years.
I received TRS refund but year 2005 and 2009 were not paid.

Do revenue hold funds back?
They will not be releasing 2009 until early Summer. Apparently problems with the system for processing payments for that year or something along those lines
You can only claim for 4 previous years, so 2005 would have been disallowed.

I applied for a refund for 2005 back in late 2009. I was told I will not get it as they did not receive it on their system until a week or so ago.

Do I have any comeback in proofing that I had applied earlier. I find this very unfair. When I queried this I was fobbed off.
Well I would certainly follow the matter up if I were you.

I’d begin by contacting them by phone & just making a general enquiry as to the length of time it would normally take from the time that an application was received in their office to it being physically entered on their computer system. I would ask how long incoming post would likely be left unopened & whether it is datestamped as soon as it arrives or if this is only done when opened, or only done as they get around to entering it on their computer system.

Depending on the answer I would ask exactly when the application was received (or when they would likely have received it taking their backlog into consideration) & inform them that you were well aware of the four year statute on claims for previous years, & this is why you made sure to post your 2005 application before 31st Dec 2009.

I would point out that considering the adverse weather conditions at the time & the disruption in postal deliveries, plus the delays in their own office as well as their current backlog (both normal & as a result of industrial action) that you consider their decision to refuse your 2005 application to be extremely harsh & unfair. I would also point out that you should not be penalised for something that you did in good faith, & that it is not indicated anywhere on the website that applications should be sent three months in advance of year-end.

If you get no joy there I would make a formal complaint both by email & registered post (& mention in the email the fact that you have also sent a registered letter), outlining the above & requesting that in light of all of the above factors they reconsider your application & see what reply you receive. You have nothing to lose only the price of the phone call plus the €5.75 registered post fee.

Revenue TRS Helpline 1890 46 36 26

Office of the Revenue Commissioners,
Collector Generals Division,
TRS Section,
Sarsfield House,
Francis Street,
Wishes, did you ever follow your refund query up?

I was speaking to revenue about a refund I'm due for the year 2009 that I applied for some months back; they said it will be a while before I receive it as their system is not set up to deal with 2009 refunds and as soon as it is they will then issue same.

It is a ridiculously long wait.
Papercut, apologies I only seen your post now. Thanks for taking the time out to explain.

Peter, yes I basically done what Papercut said in the above post and within days I received the refund. I'm sure there is many a person out there who would have just left it and not bothered fighting their corner and received nothing but I was surprised that the credit transfer arrived in my account without further bother.