Can I claim Job seekers etc when doing a course




I am being made redundant for which they are only offering statutory, but had booked to do a three month course (with the blessing of my employer) earlier in the year which starts in August. I have paid the course in Full (6000) and really want to do it as it could lead me to opening my own business (dog Grooming) which will help me become employed again!

I will be claiming Job seekers for July but my course starts in August and finishes Oct (3 months full time), can I still claim or is there some other help I can get to pay my morgage while im doing the full time course...? Ive been working since I left School, 10 years so ive paid PRSI for the duration and never claim anything before. Can anyone help?
You wojn't be able to claim Jobseeker's while on the course as you won't be available for/seeking work. all I can advise you is to go to FAS and see if they could fund you an allowance while on the course. How did you intend funding yourself before the redundancy? was the employer going to pay you for the three months?
Thanks for your post.

My employer was willing to let me clock up my hours (or some of) evenings and Saturdays. I was only doing the course to have an extra income, and was planning bit of Saturday grooming work to help save for my wedding next year. With the redundancy though I thought may as well use it for employment after since ive paid so much for it. And since there just arent any jobs out there.

I just thought there must be some funding available for someone trying to get back on the ladder, I mean Im paying for the course im just looking for a little help to cover bare cost of living. I could cancel course and end up on jobseekers for months on end and cost them a fortune but I only need help for 3 months to help me get back on my feet.

Thanks for your help maybe FAS can help me out ill give them a call