Can I borrow 60K from my mother

Thanks @Brendan for your advice - I'm aiming to repay it in 4 years - having all of the cash upfront to buy the house is what's making me try go this route
Thanks for the further information. I think you should borrow from your mother and just do up a simple agreement in writing with her. No need for a solicitor. Or to tell your sibling.

You should arrange with your brother that he pays you off at €100 monthly as long as it's by standing order, which I assume he can set up on his phone banking quickly. I wouldn't let him away with that or he will just never learn.
This is all very achievable. My parents needed c. €200k to clear a loan, my partner & I borrowed this from a non bank lender & lent this sum to my parents who pay us the principal portion of the loan repayment each month. Parents give one lump sum as gift each year under small gift exemption too. All legally documented & we have a mortgage over one of the parents properties as security. 10 year loan term. Important to get legal advice but I have to say legal people never came across this scenario before.