can ex spouse employ ex spouse ase carer to avail of 50k tax break?


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hello readers, looking at good options for fairly amicable judicial separation. (oxymoron) would be grateful for views about the 50,000 euro deductable a self employed separated person can use if they employ someone as carer for their disabled child, could moneybags ex spouse employ their stay at home beans and toast ex spouse as carer to avail of 50k tax break?, also assuming that the 50k takes in 10% employers prsi and also employers insurence, or would home carer invoice as a contractor... 'scratches head', many thanks for ay observations even if very general,
Which are you? Money bags or beans on toast? If beans on toast, then I'm sure moneybags can afford to hire a financial advisor/tax consultant. If moneybags, why put beans on toast in this position.....for a few bob off the tax bill? Or am I not 'getting' it?
not sure about the employment side of it, but you can claim tax relief on spousal maintenance payments (but not child maintenance) it's worth your while to pay higher spousal maintenance and lower child maintenance.