Can Emersion\light switch be in hotpress?


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Hi All,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to put the emersion switch and light switches in a hotpress? My electrician says it is not possible due to a regulation but another electrician I asked said it can be done?

Did the electrician that said "No Problem" sound like he was aware of the regulation and felt he was smart and it did not apply to your case, or did he sound like he was unaware of the regulation !
He said there was a regulation about the type of lights you can have in the hotpress but that there were none about emersion switch. He is qualifes about 15 years wheras the guy who said no is qualified about 3 years so maybe it cam ein recentlt?

I would prefer to move it as we have too many switches on the landing I think.
Clause 555.3.2 of the wiring rules to be used by RECI approved electrical contractors requires that the switch for the immersion heater be located outside the airing cupboard or enclosure where practicable. In the vast majority of situations it is perfectly practicable to have the switch outside and therefore contractors would have to have a very good reason not to do so. Otherwise they will be in breach of the wiring rules.

Wouldn't it be hassle to have to open the hot press door just to switch on some lights?
I just had this conversation with an electrician this morning - he told me that it was against regulations... I've *seen* switches in hot-presses but he tells me that either they were put in before the rule change or they're in contravention of the rules. Is he correct? Also, where could I find a list of building regulations online?
But isn't the question about whether or not it's OK to put light switches inside the hotpress?
simp said:
Also, where could I find a list of building regulations online? (DoE website.<br />)
Hi Lastbuilders
The reason why no switching unit is allowed in the enclosure is that the hotpress is prone to relatively high humidity levels. Over time it creates an oxide coating on the exposed wiring. This coating increases the resistance. I have seen this on a 4 year old house recently where, due to an improperly installed shower, high humidity levels ocurred between the drywall due to a serious leak. This was on a properly located switching unit!
The regs. are there because faults are found and need to be adressed. Having said this don't knock your electrician. Granted it is up to him to keep current,(excuse the pun) and a responsable tradesman will do so. But this does not necessarily mean he does not know what he is doing.