Can Direct debit be reversed?


Registered User
I noticed over the weekend that the whole amount that I owe on a credit card has been paid completely in the first direct debit since I had the card. The CC company should have set it up to for me to pay the min amount and not the whole amount; and now my current account is in debit. I rang them today (Sun) and was told that there was nothing they could do but that I should contact my bank (where the DD was taken from) and ask them to reverse the amount.

Please could you tell me that the bank can do this. I have to wait until tomorrow to ask them and I don't want to spend the rest of my weekend worrying about this.

Also, I do not have an overdraft facility with the current account so how is it that this dd can go through when there is not enough funds in the current account to cover it? Am I going to be charged interest on this debit amount. Account is with First Active (Facility account).

they should be able to return it unpaid - make sure they return it though payment countermanded. they may charge you though.