Can Credit Union savings be used to pay off a CU loan?


Registered User

I Owe Credit Union around 7500 and have a little over 2000 savings. I've been on a 3 day week since Christmas and it's probably going to continue until Jan '10. Money problems are only starting to hit us now. I pay 50 a week from my wages every week to cover the loan repayments.

I know I can't withdraw the 2000, but can I use it to pay the 50 a week loan repayment therefore increasing my take home pay by 50? This would obviously keep me going until my job picks up. I know CU have certain rules but are they flexible enough to allow this, I was told most are run similar to banks nowadays.

Thanks in advance,

Credit unions vary a bit. The only place to get a reliable answer is in your own CU.