Can car owner & driver be 2 diff persons?


Registered User
Will there be any problem if car driven by me is my father's name?
Insurance is in my name.
Tax will be against the car.
Re: Can car owner & driver be 2 diff person's?

I don't think you can, although I am open to correction.
As far as I know, you need to have an insurable interest to have a valid policy: but you do not have an insurable interest in the car,if it belongs to your dad, and therefore in case of an accident, the policy would be void.

Re: Can car owner & driver be 2 diff person's?

It shouldnt be a problem if you just tell them. The issue would be if the car was insured in your dads name but you were the main driver, then there would be a problem with any claim. But if you tell them at the quote stage there wont be an issue.
Re: Can car owner & driver be 2 diff person's?

You would have to be a named driver on your father's insurance policy to qualify.
Re: Can car owner & driver be 2 diff person's?

I don't think you can usually insure a car that doesn't belong to you, as you have no insurable interest in the vehicle.This may depend on the company however.
I think the issue here is about ownership of the vehicle.
RPR, you need to phone your insurance company to discuss this to clarify.

Re: Can car owner & driver be 2 diff person's?

I don't think you can usually insure a car that doesn't belong to you, as you have no insurable interest in the vehicle.


With families there is an insurable interest it can be created. On a lot of proposal forms, it asks whether you are the registered owner of the vehicle. Just depends on the company you approach!
Also if you were a named driver on your father's policy, if he owned another car, he would only be entitled to a no claims bonus on the insurance of one of the cars, and the insurance on his other car would be very high.

You would have to be a named driver on your father's insurance policy to qualify.
He can't be a named driver if he is the main driver of the car.

My wife is the main driver on our insurance, though the car is registered in my name. It has never been a problem for insurance.
Charge for adding "named driver" to insurance?

I wanted to add my mother as a named driver on my car. A friend had told me there was no cost associated with adding a named driver, but Zurich today told me I needed to send a copy of her license and pay a fee of 25 euro.

Does anyone know if a fee is standard?

Thanks in advance,