Can bank change DD date without consultation?


Registered User
Not sure if this should be banking or consumer - mods decide.

I have mortgage with AIB. Due to various mix up's DD was late in being setup and a payment was missed. When bank called about this I agreed the following:

a. DD date would be set for 17th of month
b. I would send cheque for missed payment

What then occurred was

1. DD setup for 17th and payment made
2. cheque for missed payment sent to mortgage dept
3. Another DD taken by AIB for missed payment

And to cap it all

AIB have now changed date for DD to 7th of month, a letter which I received today.

This has now resulted in my account going overdrawn, payment will be referred back tonight and my account charged for privilege. Due to fact that it was bank holiday weekend the funds were drawn on Friday night meaning all plans for bank holiday weekend had to be cancelled.

Any advice as to how I should tackle them – a phone call to AIB at 10am still hasn’t evoked a response.
I suspect that the payee (i.e. receiving bank in this case) has significant control over what can happen with a DD. [broken link removed] has some info on DDs and also refers to the ISPO site which has even more info that might be of use to you? If you think that they are out of order and that you have legitimate grounds for complaint then make a formal complaint (in writing) to the bank and, if necessary, take the case to the [broken link removed].