Can anyone recommend a good E.A. in Budapest?


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I have had an apartment in Budapest for about 5 years. I have decided to sell (at a loss no doubt!) and am looking for a good EA, so hoping that someone here will have personal experience?

Its a new build 2 bed in District 13. Any advice welcome! thanks.
Just wondering had you any luck with the EA or better did you manage to sell, im in a similar position and would appreciate some advice
Hi John,

I ended up renting out for another year and will reevaluate the market then. Good luck with your apartment.

It seems that there is demand at the moment in Budapest from the local market. But they pay low and in Forint, so you may be open to currency risk. Whether you can sell depends on how bad you want to sell or exit. Reputable agents dealing with foreign buyers include CE Invest, Catherine Dickens, Tower Property Group.
Do all estate agents in Budapest charge the same commission for selling - got quote for 4% + 25% VAT. This seems high, would anyone have other rates or is this the average? Thanks
Around 4% + VAT is typical of the bigger agencies. You should also be able to get local agencies who will sell for around 2.5%. Sometimes it's worth paying more for the bigger agency. Sometimes not. Have a look at for similar properties to your's and see what other locals are doing.

Thanks for that - there is a lot of property on that site. The management lady we have is impossible to contact - either by phone or email - and when we do get the very little rent from her we're told that repairs had to be done and leaks etc. fixed so we're left with almost nothing. When I see the repayments we're making for it I wonder if we would be better to cut our losses and get out. Maybe we should try and change our management company and see how it goes.
It's hard to know. If it's an old apartment in need of repair, then this might be the case.

In relation to, you can really narrow down the search by using the Advanced Search, which is possible in the Hungarian version. If you browse with Google Chrome, it will probably translate the page for you on the fly:
Thanks for the help. It doesn't seem that Hungary will go into the Euro anytime soon and that might not even make any difference. Maybe if I could get more on top of the management situation and change companies it might be more straight forward.