Can a wireless-internet camera be fitted into a van?


Registered User
I'm thinking of buying a small van for my business which the driver would have the use of outside of hours.

I don't mind him trundling around in it on weekends etc but I don't want him carrying goods except my own (e.g. moving house for friends etc as a nixer).

Is it possible to fit a camera in the load area to monitor goings-on?
You won't be able to fit a camera with a live connection to you, unless you want to fit a sattelite dish or similar on the roof. You can get a camera which records what happens onto DVD.
Thanks! That's good enough. This isn't, by the way, covert monitoring or anything. The camera will be pointed-out to him.

Has anyone got experience of using such systems?
You could also get a GPS tracker to see where he's going on offtimes. A supplier of the company I'm working for was telling me the other day how their bosses limit the movement of their vans at weekends and can check up on them this way.

Would probably be costly though.
Seems kinda mean to me its only a van.

There are some good links on youtube of an irish guy with a camera going through the front grill showing some great near misses with taxis.

Peats would probably be a good place to look.
Yeah it's only a van but what he's lugging for me weighs nothing (but has a big value) so I'd hope to get a few years out of the vehicle if the drive train holds out. I don't want him dragging the behind out of it on the weekend and there are insurance issues also to be thought about.

I don't think I'm being that tight. If he wants to do mileage at the weekends then he is welcome.
and what if he wants to have hanky panky in the van??

But Seriously - surely he's entitled to his privacy, i sure as hell would'nt like a camera fixed on me while i'm driving, would make me fell very self concious, no offence but you seem to be a bit paranoid about this guy??
If the van starts falling apart from moving the odd table and chairs then it must some heap.

Unless he starts moving tonnes of stuff drivetrain and chasis should not be unduly effected.

Talk to your employee about not taking the mick and show a bit of faith in him.
The camera would not/will not be fixed on him in the cab. It would be fixed to the bulkhead in the cargo area.

Am I so unreasonable that I don't want him double-jobing and carrying god-knows-what in the van besides my merchandise??

The other alternative is he parks the van in the yard at the end of every working day but, given the geographical area he has to cover, he's likely to be away 2-3 nights a week.

The van in question is likely to be something like a Ford Transit Connect.
If you're allowing him the van at weekends and dont mind him putting mileage on it, who cares what he does in his free time as long as he doesnt damage the van? Especially if he works hard for you during the week..
... Am I so unreasonable that I don't want him double-jobing and carrying god-knows-what in the van besides my merchandise?? ...
God-knows-what is right!!! I wouldn't regard the camera as unreasonable at all.

Will the van be fitted with a hands-free phone kit? There are fixed cameras compatible with this kind of connection (as well as phone cameras obviously ). I saw something recently, but I've no first-hand experience of them.
That's all good and well Chrisboy. The guy in question is a hard-working chap and, as far as I can see, loyal and commited. That said what's to stop him doing other jobs at the weekend? Take it to extremes. He transports drugs or stolen goods. Where does that leave me as the vans owner? Presumably the van could be impounded if he's caught.

What I'm saying is that he (as a perk of the job) has the free use of the vehicle over the weekend. The camera isn't hidden. It's presence is pointed out to him. The wrongs and rights of the camera are perhaps debateable to some but at the end of the day it's my vehicle on which I pay the road tax, insurance, repayments.

Anyway we're off thread. I asked was it possible to fit a camera and the answer seems to be 'Yes' so that's okay then.
That's all good and well Chrisboy. The guy in question is a hard-working chap and, as far as I can see, loyal and commited. That said what's to stop him doing other jobs at the weekend? Take it to extremes. He transports drugs or stolen goods. Where does that leave me as the vans owner? Presumably the van could be impounded if he's caught.

What I'm saying is that he (as a perk of the job) has the free use of the vehicle over the weekend. The camera isn't hidden. It's presence is pointed out to him. The wrongs and rights of the camera are perhaps debateable to some but at the end of the day it's my vehicle on which I pay the road tax, insurance, repayments.

Anyway we're off thread. I asked was it possible to fit a camera and the answer seems to be 'Yes' so that's okay then.

If ya trust him and he does a good job then whats the problem with him doin extra work when it doesn't affect his primary commitments to you? I used to work as an electrician in a previous life. Worked my ass off for the boss monday to Friday, and did a few jobs of my own weekends. Used his van and his power tools that i kept in the van.. I earnt him so much money he didnt care what i did at the weekend, as long as it didnt get in the way of his work..

I know we've gone off thread but for yourself, if you trust him and he does a good job, then dont be stressing yourself out about what he might possibly do in the van at the weekends.. Ya never know, he might just park it up and not look at it till Monday!

you trust him, but you don't trust him

why don't you just tell him that the van is off limits at the weekend - Simple
I think the OP has gotten their answer. They didn't ask for other peoples opinions, just about the product. It appears to be that the answer is Yes, so lets leave the rest lie.
I think the OP has gotten their answer. They didn't ask for other peoples opinions, just about the product. It appears to be that the answer is Yes, so lets leave the rest lie.

Well actually if you read further down the thread th OP did ask for opinions so i think you're wrong there..