Can a speeding fine be cancelled


Registered User

I am wondering whether anyone has experience of having their speeding fine cancelled? Here is my situation:

Received a fine in the post, paid it, thought that was the end of it. Yesterday (week and half after payment) I receive a letter saying the payment couldnt be processed because the name on my licence does not match that on the fine.

The reason for this is that when filling in the form it states to fill in your first name as it appears on your licence, and on my licence both my first and middle name are stated for some reason. Anyhow seeing as they only wanted my first name, I put in just that.

Unfortunately the date they sent back the form to me is the same date that the fine increases to €120.

I was pretty annoyed and couldnt figure out why my licence even had my middle name on it as I never use it and the only other document it would appear on is my birth cert. I rang my tax office and asked for a copy of my licence application and sure enough when asked for first name I only put my first name. So I dont know why they added my middle name.

Anyway I asked the processing unit could they cancel the fine and reissue seeing as the error was not my fault but they say its impossible to cancel.

I feel this is a tiny administrative hiccup that could easily be fixed but they would prefer to get the extra money from me.

I am now going to try to contact the garda that issued the fine to see if he will cancel and issue a new fine.

Has anyone ever had a fine cancelled? Or does anyone have any advice even?


Stressed Person