Can a Skype account be unlisted or ex-directory?


Registered User
One of the family members has a Skype account that gets a significant number (44 at the moment) of fairly creepy connection requests from unknown people. I've gone through the privacy settings to see if there is any way I can prevent this, but I can't find anything. Is there some way of going 'unlisted' to stop these requests?
It would appear no.

I am always getting requests from random people. The only thing to do is to block them.
Happens me all the time, i get loads of requests which all claim to be American military personnel in Iraq. I have no photo, and I removed all mention of personal details, like age and gender and the number of requests has dropped a lot.
Just to note that changing to DoB to show that the user is 14 had a dramatic effect - no unwanted connection requests. Maybe we should all be 14....