Camera shop Dublin


Registered User
My aunt wants to buy a videa camera when in Dublin next week. Can anyone suggest a good shop (within the city centre).

She wont buy it on the internet as I have suggested that - she wants to go into the shop and get advise etc etc.

Any suggestions??

We bought a Canon in John Gunn's, Wexford St a few years ago and found them extremely helpful, knowledgeable and friendly. Have been in a few times since then and still have a high opinion of them.
Two things that immediately spring to mind are:

1. If she has to travel to the shop would she have to do the same if there was a problem so would she not search for a shop nearer to home

2. She should do her homework and search as many reviews as possible before being possibly talked into something that she is not familiar with. She could always give one of the recommended shops a call before her trip and then check it out at home, at her leisure, before travelling.
Conn's Cameras on Clarendon Street ...

I bought a Canon 550-D off them and they were very helpful. In particular, I did all my investigation online, then got onto them with the best UK price I could find for a couple of items (camera and lenses), told them I wanted to buy Irish and asked them if they could match the price. They didn't quite, but made a pretty good effort.

They also offered free sensor cleaning forever, and they've been around for over 40 years. So I bought... and they delivered by mail so I didn't even have to visit the shop.

If your aunt wants to buy in a shop, she could still visit them and pick something, then think about it for a few days before finalising the order and getting them to deliver. Best of both worlds maybe.