Calverstown, Co Kildare


Registered User

Would anyone be familiar with this area? We have driven there and around it a few times and it seems a nice quiet place to live - and the scenery in the area is lovely. The houses all seem to be of a high quality and are well spaced from each other. Apart from the pub and shop there doesn't seem to be any other amenites - e.g. a creche! This is fine as I know Naas etc. are a short drive away. I currently live in Naas and calculate that it would add 20 mins to my journey. What is the sliproad off the M9 to there like in the PM?

Any insight into the area would be appreciated.
We lived there for a while a until 3 years ago and moved back to Dublin as the daily commute was killing us, but as you're already in Naas this may not be an issue. However, bear in mind there is only the shop/pub, Naas is a hopping metropolis compared to Calverstown, which in reality is only a crossroads with a pub at it. Most of the newer houses are owned by Dublin workers so the place is empty during the day.

Can't give a current comment on the slip road off the M9 but it was never a problem for us, but you are turning right onto a fairly busy road now so it may be worse, I'd try it several times.

It does get very cold in the winter in Calverstown, its in a hollow so tends to get a lot of cold still air, and a LOT of fog. Theres no natural gas there so all heating is oil based. And as theres no footpaths to speak off you won't be walking far on dark evenings unless you want to play chicken with cars at 70mph!

It is apparently supposed to be a posh part of Kildare and in summer looks lovely, but everything you do will involve getting into the car.

Hopefully if you decide to move there your experience will be more positive.
You are not far from ballysax/kilcullen, where their is lots of pubs and not far from the curragh camp where you can have a pint for 2.50, its a nice area to live in, small class rooms in the local schools, and we are not posh???????