Calling Italian language experts


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Can anyone tell the Italian for "To be left at steps of airplane".

From past experience, I want to put a sticker to this effect on the buggy bag.

Molte Gracie! (i've probably got that wrong)
OK, literally, it would be something like:

"Lasciare alla scala del aereo".

You might perhaps want to say:

"Posso chiedere una cortesia, si puo lasciare questo passeggino alla scala del aereo"

May I request that the buggy is left at the stairs of the plane.

My italian is spoken italian so maybe a more learned italian speaker can improve on that.
casiopea is spot on, the only improvement I can suggest is to shorten it slightly:
'Si prega di lasciare alla scala di uscita del aereo'
I'm much obliged to you all. I had no idea that AAM had such a wealth of linguistic expertise.