Calculating Shortfall calculation re AVC's


Registered User

I am looking to Maximise TFLS using a AVC before 31st October deadline also looking at Last Min AVCs.
I want to do back dated Lump Sum payments for 23 and then do AVC for 24

Could you please assist re calculation of shortfall re AVC- Last Minute AVCs

My Salary will be 71,347 approximately beginning October 2024, Based upon the 1% pay agreement.
I am pre-95 aged 63, will be 64 in November 24.
Approximately 57,000 of this salaary will be pensioned.
I will have 28.5 years approximately, pensionable years by December 2024
Tax approx. 10,700 in 2023 and will be Aproximately 10,600 in 2024
How much should I be putting in to Maximise AVC re both years and make up the shortfall of 12 years aprox. If that makes sense.
Do I have to wait till after Oct 24 to put in for 24
I did lump sum 10,000 into an AVC in 2022.
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