Caherdavin, Limerick


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Any views on Caherdavin in Limerick, as a place to purchase a house for a couple with a young child.
Depends on where you are going to be working. If its in the city then you are going to be experiencing serious traffic, if its in Shannon its a good bet. Caherdavin has alot of older type houses, but if your money stretches a little more will get you to areas like lansdowne, or greystones which are close and nice and a lot more will get you the top location that is the north circular road, all of which are in close proximity to the caherdavin area. Not sure what schools are like in caherdavin.
I think Caherdavin is a decent area. You're getting a lot of house and garden for your money. They're mostly 70's houses, so some of the first phase of kids are already grown up and gone, so fairly quiet. Lots of green areas, GAA (Na Piarsaigh) and soccer teams, primary boys and girls schools, RC Church, credit union, two v. large new shopping centres nearby, Jetland and Coonagh, smaller local shops too, in woodview, ivans cross, old cratloe road, and beside the Bank of Ireland in caherdavin heights.

For work, it is an easy journey to northside locations, but like most suburbs, if you're heading to city centre, or crossing the city to get to work, it is going to take a good while, there is a bus service, but like most of the city, no QBCs.
If you post roughly where you'd be heading to I can estimate, or suggest a route or alt location.

When I lived in Limerick, I travelled from this side of town to both Castletroy (UL /Dublin side) and Raheen (Dell etc), and traffic can be heavy at peak times. Hopefully the arrival of the tunnel project extension in a few years to the south ring road will help with this...

A down side for some may be the consideration that part of Caherdavin (eg Glenmore) too close to council housing, but this was a later extension to the area. 80's I'd guess and not near the majority of Caherdavin, Caherdavin Lawn being the furthest point from there. Note: I hear this adjoining council housing is earmarked for removal soon.

There are newer houses in the area, like Clonile and Shannonvale if that's what you like, where you'll get the usual extra bathrooms and en-suites.
On the slightly pricier end, you could look at ferndale etc.
Thanks for replies. Was looking in greystones, mayorstone etc as well. Nice houses, close to city but very little green spaces, and are used as a rat run for traffic. In addition the local boys school near Salesians would put me off, due to heavy traffic.

Caherdavin does seem to give more value for money, house space, green areas, etc. I would like to know more about the boys national school. I will be working on the northside, so the area would suit me, but my husband works on the south circular road. The other issues for concern, is there a large number of rental properties in Caherdavin, and I've heard the city council have bought houses in Caherdavin, would this be a large number, and have there been any problems in relation to these.
I think that's probably JFK primary that you're talking about.

I don't know if you've a whole lot of other options apart from that and Caherdavin boys NS and girls one beside it.

I do remember a big plus for Caherdavin school is they've a playing pitch beside it, behind the credit union, so sports were always quite strong there.

Perhaps if you're other half is heading to the south circular you could consider some city schools as well, though I don't know much about them.

I don't have figures on corpo purchases in the area, though I'd imagine it'll be something similar in all estates in the area and price bracket.
Having said that I think there are council house demolitions happening on the south side and kings island as well, so all sides of town are likely to get a sprinkling when these families are rehoused.

I know people living in the area and I haven't heard then complaining.

If you're not fond of the main road, that'll may rule out caherdavin lawn, as it's the other side of the main road from most services.

can't think of another area that'd suit you between there and south circular, well, not without a significant premium for being closer to the city and losing some of the facilities.

perhaps you'd look somewhere along the Fr Russell Rd...
personally I'd stick with Caherdavin /Clareview though, as the new estates over there don't have much in child facilities to my mind.. but I could be a little out of date.

I think the reason for the availability for rental is, at one time, it was fairly close for LIT students to rent,
but now students are less prevalent, since the college has built it's own units and some extra private section 23 units in the last few years...

hope this helps...

I grew up in Caherdavin in the 70's/80's/90's, I went to the boys national school, played with Caherdavin Celtic and Na Piarsaigh and had a fantastic time. I probably spent 25 years in and around the place, so I'm fond of it.

I still have family living in the area with nephews going to the boys national school,

Here is what I would say about Caherdavin now

[1] Houses in Caherdavin are good value, Caherdavin Lawn would be my preference (if it was my money), but these will be more expensive than the houses on the other side of the Ennis road.

[2] Boys National school is still fine from what my sister says anyway. It did me no harm.

[3] Alot of houses are rented to students from the LIT. This has the knock on effect of parties/noise etc. My parents choose to leave their old house in Caherdavin after students moved in next door and made their life hell with constant noise. The ideal solution here I think is to do what they did in Castletroy for the UL students and build thousands of student accommodation beds away from settled estates, there's not much trouble in Castletroy these days with residents and students (at least compared with the 90's).

[4] There is no denying that a certain rough element seems to hang around the heights (especially) area of caherdavin at certain times, weather these are local lads or from outside is hard to say. But from what my family and friends who are still in the area tell me it was worse 2/3 years ago but not as bad now, but still there.

[5] I have heard that the Council have bought houses in Caherdavin (I don't know how many) but they have bought houses all over the city in private estates,.. you just need to pick up a local newspaper to see the reaction this is having in Limerick, they are alot of very unhappy people all over the city.
Caherdavin tends to be quite mixed...Can have a good deal of groups of youths hanging around... If your husband is working on South Circular how about somewhere like Alandale or Fitzhaven. Or Out as far as dooradoyle/raheen which has alot of young professionals. Traffic is much better going from South to north in the morning than vice versa.
Hi there,

Local rumour mill would tell you alot of Caherdavin houses have been bought up by the council to re-house alot of moyross when they eventually demolish it. Not a good plan.

If you want that particular area I'd definitely stick to Clareview / Greystones / Farenshone.

Best of luck
iin all fairness the traffic from Caherdavin to city centre not that bad. Leave home each morning 8am and get into South Circular Road and back home again in 20 minutes. Leave other mornings at 9am and I'm parked up O'Connell Ave by 9.15. The odd day it takes longer but generally its not a problem. The Condel rd flows brilliantly now that they have the 2 lanes going out the dock road - if people would only use the roundabouts correctly it would move even faster.
Hi there,

Local rumour mill would tell you alot of Caherdavin houses have been bought up by the council to re-house alot of moyross when they eventually demolish it. Not a good plan.

If you want that particular area I'd definitely stick to Clareview / Greystones / Farenshone.

Best of luck

In fairness the rumour mill has been linked to most places at this stage, but kitten is right about houses being bout in caherdavin. The councils budget is apparently around 300k so that gives them alot of scope.

I'm with Kitten too. Caherdavin has some lovely people, a school and pitches, but I heard (please check for yourself) that the city/county boundary has been or is about to be changed there to facilitate rehousing from cetain other areas. (Again this may be just rumour but please check).

Also the houses are probably over 30 years old, many have been housing students and may require updating.

You can get unsavoury characters passing through en-route home, friends of mine live there and have been broken into. Again as another poster said, this does tend to go in phases only.

I would favour the same areas as Kitten, including Brookville and Mayorstone.

JFK primary school on the Ennis Road has an excellant reputation. But again, I would say there is nothing wrong with the schools in Caherdavin.

It is totally upto you so good luck!