caddy airbag didn't work


Registered User
Hi crashed my 01 caddy on wednesday night head on collision with a mound and then it flipped, the thing is the airbag never came out with the head on collision do I have a case to bring to VW or would it be the garge I bought it of.
What is the garage supposed to do?

If the warning lights are clear they are not going to blow the airbag to see if it works.

I would say it should be possible for a garage to query the computer and see the telemetry for the time of the crash.

Maybe the sensor for the airbag didn't get the right sort of force to trigger the airbag.

What is it you hope to achieve?
Do you mind me asking how the accident happened?

What kind of mound was it - sleeping policeman, pile of earth, unlit roadworks?

Re your inquiry, hitting as mound might suddenly force your car upwards, as opposed to a dead stop with your front end becoming a crumple zone - this might matter.

BTW were you injured - have you seen a doctor - because unless you have an injury that the air-bag could have prevented I don't see where your claim would arise anyway.
