Cadbury's gorilla

Agreed. Very creative advert.

Good ad alright, just wondering why the gorilla has an earpiece in his left ear though (it can be seen approx 48 seconds in just after he starts drumming) - maybe so the producer can give directions on when to start playing or something?
One of the best ads of all time in my book.

I prefer the bonnie tyler version.
Its amusing but it doesnt particularly make me want to buy chocolate, or course I'm addicted anyway so no loss to Cadbury's there.

For the non-addicted - is this making you buy chocolate??

I'm sure we're proving the advertisers right by even discussing it.
I'm sure we're proving the advertisers right by even discussing it.

That's it really. The subconscious works in mysterious ways and advertisers know this. People may come to associate funky/amusing/quirky/warm/passionate....or whatever with this chocolate, because of this advert.
Is advertising considered successful because people talk about the product or because they go out and buy it? Or both?

I've been an avid F1 fan for 17 years, watching races (and going to a few), qualifying, practice, numerous websites, magazines, DVD's, merchandise etc. I could probably tell you most of the sponsors of each team over the last decade or more, yet it's never made me go out and buy the products. So has F1 advertising been successful on me?
Good ad alright, just wondering why the gorilla has an earpiece in his left ear though (it can be seen approx 48 seconds in just after he starts drumming) - maybe so the producer can give directions on when to start playing or something?

Think that's from the 1st ad - the Phil Collins one.
Phil Collins wears an earpiece when playing live as he has a hearing problem after a lifetime of live gigs. I reckoned the gorilla wearing one was a nod to that.

(cue jokes about Phil Collins music & earplugs!)

Don't know - how many Marlboro do you get through a day?

Well the add worked for me. I'd never normally buy a plain bar of chocolate but watching the add the other evening gave me a goo for a bar of Cadbury's so popped over to the Spar to pick one up and then remembered how good the chocolate is so will be buying more!

Yeah I dunno, I went out and bought meself a set of drums and a gorilla outfit....not sure I am a marketers dream...

If you wear merchandise with advertising logos etc aren't you just an extension of what is on the car, an walking advert for the companies concerned ??

The same with Man Utd or Liverpool. I might not use AIG ( i have ) or drink Carlsberg but if i wear the jersey i am a walking advert for Carlsberg or AIG and brand Utd or Pool.

Just a thought......

Yes, a fair point, which is why I rarely wore the merchandise outside the privacy of my home. The only item I'd have worn were ones with discreet team logos, and without sponsors logos.

And jock04, I've enver smoked...
Best as by a long way on TV at present. I always knew gorillas/chimps etc were smart but didn't reailse that they were very musical as well.

I know Im setting myself up for dumbest-post-of-the-year award - but that monkey is real? Really? I thought it was a clever CGI thingy.
I know Im setting myself up for dumbest-post-of-the-year award - but that monkey is real? Really? I thought it was a clever CGI thingy.

I was in that 'afraid to ask' club. I'm working on your assumption as well.