C4 Picasso - need to raise seatblet buckle in rear seat


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I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but my wife has a Citroen C4 Picasso. At at the moment we have 2 rear facing seats for 6 month old twins and a booster seat for a 4 year old. The trouble is that so many carseats in the back makes it difficult for my 4 year old daughter to put on her own seatbelt as they are recessed and flush with the seat. The result is a lot of twisting and stretching for us to buckle her in, and on the odd occasion my daughter has unbuckled one of the rear facing seats rather than her own, with obvious safety implications.

Is there some way to raise the seatbelt buckle, or some sort of extension that I can clip into the existing seatbelt?
One solution is to put one of your twins in a rear-facing seat in the front passenger seat (with the passenger airbag deactivated!). This is quite safe & legal.

Then seat your 4-year-old daughter and the other twin in the back, separated by an empty middle seat.
I had a similar problem with my car and eventually solved it by changing the seat for the oldest to a BMW one which has its own seatbelt integrated, no need for my daughter to go near the actual cars ones then! It was an expensive fix but I couldn't find anything else that would work - I also had the issue of the baby seats being unbuckled!