Bypassing of Injuries Board to be stopped

Brendan Burgess

This a great development at long last.

Law approved to stop bypassing of injuries board

The Cabinet has approved new legislation to stop claimants deliberately bypassing the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) in a bid to have their cases heard in court.

Claimants, particularly those who exaggerate or make false claims, are often eager to have their cases heard in court - where awards tend to be higher and legal costs are paid.

The PIAB was set up as the independent State body that assesses injury compensation, and it generally does not pay legal fees.

Cases settled in courts add up to 40pc to the amount awarded.

Should bring down the price of insurance.

Problem is that solicitors sometimes do not send on all info to IB, or worse, tell clients NOT to attend at medical appointments, thus putting insurer at substantial disadvantage is case runs to litigation. if this is nipped in the bud, cost of claims might fall and cost of insurance might also fall. Here's hoping!!