Buying Trees


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What to get some trees to give screening from the neighbours and keep the dogs & kids in the garden. I have about 203meters of boundry to fill. Went to a garden centre today and he quote me 40E for a western red cedar of about 4-5ft high and 98E for a western red cedar that would be 7-8ft high. We want the trees this high to give an instant effect. to us this seem very expensive as you talking over 8K for our order and that does not included planting them. We want trees that are very low maintainece ( trim once a year ) and that will give us a good screening. Any one any feedback or ideas.
Browse the online catalogue at Future Forests and/or send them an email with your exact requirements, and they'll advise you on price etc.

If you wait and buy from them bare-root in the autumn, it'll be significantly cheaper, and the trees will stand a far greater chance of survival than if planted in the middle of summer (think of all that watering!).

You'd be better off going for smaller, younger specimens, say 3-4ft high, they'll establish quicker, are far cheaper, and in a very short space of time will catch up with and far outstrip larger specimens planted at the same time.
You're always going to pay a premium for established trees. It might be more economical to put screening along the boundary for privacy while younger trees establish themselves. B&Q do a nice willow screen (6' x 12') for under €70.
Hi there,

Buying this amount of trees from a garden centre would cost a small fortune.

I know for fact that you can get trees like this for a fraction of the cost from private growers.

Not sure what part of the country you are in but if you do some asking around and look in your local paper/buy and sell etc you might get the contacts you need.
How much height do you need ? If eight to ten feet will do then hedging will be cheaper than trees and as Sherman says the bare rooted stuff is cheaper than mature hedging. If you are after the mature root balled hedging then or this or this. I have seen all of these advertise in Garden world magazine or Buy and Sell.