Buying second hand car subsequent brake problem


Registered User
A friend 2 weeks ago bought second hand car and on my advice bought it from a Main Dealer of the model involved with the usual warranty. I was asked to take a drive in it and i felt the brakes were slow to react. Brought it back to the garage and spoke to a mechanic who took it for a spin and said the brakes needed bleeding. When i spoke to the salesman he said he would immediately get it fixed and he eventually conceded that this should have been spotted before it was sold. While the garage is highly regarded my confidence is a little shattered. He assured that otherwise the car is top shape which it looks. Is there any other questions i should ask him?
It's probably too late now that the deal is done. Prior to buying is when any investigation/ checking should take place.

Check the Consumer Help car buying section.
When i spoke to the salesman he said he would immediately get it fixed and he eventually conceded that this should have been spotted before it was sold. While the garage is highly regarded my confidence is a little shattered.

Admittedly the brakes needing to be bled should have been spotted and rectified before the sale but even the best make mistakes occasionally.

My confidence would not be shattered over this one incident, particularly when they fixed the problem immediately when brought to their attention, that’s probably why they have their highly regarded status.
The standard in second hand car sales seems to be to put the car up for sale, and care out any neccessary repairs after someone has decided to buy it, and before they take possession, or within the first few weeks. It seems daft to be selling something with easily fixed problems, but it seems to be standard.