Buying Physical Gold


Registered User
Hi I was wondering if anyone has had experience of buying physical gold from the likes of Bullionbypost, merriongold or goldcore.
How was the process?
Is there a cheaper alternative to buy the physical product?

Thanks in advance
While the cost of acquiring the gold is important, let's not forget shipping costs, insurance costs, storage costs and ability to sell (plus related costs), at short notice.

Assuming you aren't making jewellery with it, the only other reason I can think of for wanting the physical gold, is for Dooms Day Prep'ing, of one form or another.

Why hold physical gold, of you don't mind me asking?
While the cost of acquiring the gold is important, let's not forget shipping costs, insurance costs, storage costs and ability to sell (plus related costs), at short notice.

Assuming you aren't making jewellery with it, the only other reason I can think of for wanting the physical gold, is for Dooms Day Prep'ing, of one form or another.

Why hold physical gold, of you don't mind me asking?
I’m always sceptical about the whole doomsday hypothesis for gold.

What good is yellow metal going to be against Skynet/aliens/marauding murder gangs?
Hi I'm interested in grannies brooch from the back of the sofa via any online bric-a-brac.
I want a physical assets that I have control over, not piece a paper that says I own x amount of it, let me be clear we talking about a modest sum not something of Auric Goldfinger proportions.
Which is why i asked about the firms who sell it (like the few i have named above). I would like to purchase it for the cheapest charges possible.
I have zero faith in any bank guarantees so have decided to move funds into various other assets and keep a very modest sum with our financial controlling overlords.
Hi I'm interested in grannies brooch from the back of the sofa via any online bric-a-brac.
I want a physical assets that I have control over, not piece a paper that says I own x amount of it, let me be clear we talking about a modest sum not something of Auric Goldfinger proportions.
Which is why i asked about the firms who sell it (like the few i have named above). I would like to purchase it for the cheapest charges possible.
I have zero faith in any bank guarantees so have decided to move funds into various other assets and keep a very modest sum with our financial controlling overlords.
You’d be better off shunning the tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense.

Let me guess, George Soros is planning to steal all our money and implant tracking chips into our brains?
Sacks of potatoes will be the currency of choice in a Doomsday scenario. Guns if you are a Yank. If it is just a collapse of the currency then property will regain its value, after a few years. It is still the investment of choice in my wife's country, after they had a banking/currency collapse in the 80s. The government raided bank accounts etc, but (in their case) did not take property off citizens.
A Holocaust survivor I met a few times would always give the advice, invest your money in education, it is the only thing they cannot take from you.
No conspiracy theorist here, I simply want to put some of my hard earned into assets that are more tangible because I don't have faith in the bank guarantee.
Probably the easiest way would be to purchase soverigns via an auction house. However you would be paying auctioneers commission
Probably the easiest way would be to purchase soverigns via an auction house. However you would be paying auctioneers commission
Not interested in paying added premium for coins nor additional fees such as auctioneers comission, my best options seem to merriongold, goldcore
Nothing, I don't want a lot of my funds sitting in the banking sector so have asked this forum their experience and cheapest way of buying physical gold because I don't have confidence in the guarantee.