Is the house with a lifetime right of residence worth the 300k or is it slightly less?
Are you just using the figure illustratively? The tax implications will depend on whether it is >400k (2025 threshold parent to child assuming not already used) and if she is subject to CGT on disposal eg if it was not always her PPR during her period of ownership.
Is the house in her name 100%?
Is your MIL aware of the implications of having 300k (or more) cash instead of a home in relation to the Fair Deal Scheme if it is required?
How exactly do you plan to structure the purchase, will your MIL gift your husband the whole house and then he needs to gift 100k each to his siblings? That will incur gift tax as the sibling threshold is lower. Or are you raising a mortgage to buy 2/3 of the house, receive a gift of 1/3 of the house, and your MIL uses the proceeds of 200k to give a gift to the siblings?