Buying New Car - VRT advice




I hope someone can help me or maybe direct me to someone who can…

I want to buy a new car (2008) but at the moment I am completely confused as to what to buy. I am open to buying any car in the Super Mini or Small Family Car category but with all the talk of the changes in July I don’t know who to ask for advice.

I understand the new Motor Tax but there is also talk of the VRT coming down on some cars - maybe diesel engines. Are there any guidelines I could follow in order to make the best choice?

Thanks in advance
new rules introduced for VRT in last December's Budget - VRT to be levied on the basis of CO2 emissions of new cars registered post 1 July 2008. As diesel cars have lower CO2 emissions than petrol engines, they will benefit most from reduced VRT. In the super mini category - engine sizes will be quite small anyway and emissions should not be much of a factor (i.e. VRT rates on an engine basis up to 1.4l and emission based VRT up to 150 g/m CO2 will be fairly similar)

for exact details of the changes, do a search for VRT on

the other factor to take into consideration is whether the car dealers will pass on any reductions in VRT - the dealers have been slow in releasing their price lists for July onwards though BMW/Mini have come out with theirs today and have been seen to pass on reductions to the customer (however with their car fleet, they have some good reductions to pass on where their diesel cars as concerned - as I say this might not be as relevant for the super mini class)

Are these price lists available online?
if price is an issue you might take a look at importing. You can see a selection of cars on the likes of autotrader and although up to 30% vrt will be tagged on you could save up approx 25% importing an 07 model
if price is an issue you might take a look at importing. You can see a selection of cars on the likes of autotrader and although up to 30% vrt will be tagged on you could save up approx 25% importing an 07 model

I presume the new VRT rates will also apply to imported cars. For example importing a BMW after July should be cheaper than at present as it will move VRT class?

The VRT will not change for importing a second hand BMW (pre-2008) after July. The old VRT rules still applies. The new VRT system will only apply to imported cars that were first registered (in original country) after 01/01/08. Government did a U-Turn on this.
PaddyH, correct me if i'm wrong but i think they've only done a u-turn on the annual road tax- vrt still will be a runner
PaddyH, correct me if i'm wrong but i think they've only done a u-turn on the annual road tax- vrt still will be a runner

I thought it was only the road tax also - it will all become very complicated with different systems for different taxes!
Sorry - I think you are right. The following article just talks about Motor Tax - NOT VRT,16978,en.doc