Buying New Apartment- Do I need a Survey-Any Advice


Registered User
Hi all,

Im in the process of buying a 2 bed Apartment through DCC. Im just wondering if anyone out there would have any advice on whether i should get a survey done on the apartment before signing contracts / mortgage offer etc etc. Ive asked the Council about this and the ysay that I would only need a survey if it was a house purchase. Ive done a search on AAM and found a few threads on this but there seems to be a 50/50 split as to whether people should or shouldnt do a survey. I know ive to get a snagging done and am arranging that but just curious whether a survey is really necessary.
Has anyone else bought a new apartment through the AH scheme, did you get a survey done, were you advised to by your solicitor etc etc. Any help/ advice really appreciated. Thanks.
I'm buying privately at the moment and the bank only wanted a valuation, a structural survey was not required but I got one for my own piece of mind.
Hi gazza1,
Im closing on a 2 bed apartment with DCC at the moment and I didn't bother with a structural survey. I did however get a Snag done...and I'd recommend getting a professional to do it rather than trying to wing it yourself.

There seems to be 2 schools of thought on a survey for a new build....and it seeems to be more for piece of mind than a requirement by your lender etc.
