Buying into my girlfriends house.

  • Thread starter MaverickUK82
  • Start date


The short of it:
My girlfriend owns a house, we have been together 4 years and we have a daughter together. I would like to buy into half.
The complications:
My girlfriend bought her house with her husband. They split up, she took out a second mortgage to pay him off. They divorced. The house is now in her name only, is worth £130,000 with a combined mortgage of £90,000 (that's a settlement figure, including redemption fees)
How we want to do it:
We are going take out a joint re-mortgage to pay off the £90,000. Fixed for three years. We will then see a solicitor, who will add my name to the deeds of the property.
As the house in currently worth £40,000 more than the outstanding mortgage, we will have something drawn up by the solicitor along the lines of: If we ever sell the house, my girlfriend would take her £40,000 out of the sale price, the remainder of the profit/loss, would be halved. This way, any profit she has gained (the £40,000) while the house was hers alone, would be kept by her.
The thing...
I am totally happy with all this. But I've been reading through some posts on here and there is mention of taxes, CGT, CAS and I'm confused. Surely we won't have to pay any taxes etc to do this, would we? What are the complications of doing this? there is no profit to be made by any of us. The way I see it, it's just a re-mortgage in both our names.
Is what I've suggested actually possible?

Please help!

This is an Irish site - are you located in UK?

If we ever sell the house, my girlfriend would take her £40,000 out of the sale price, the remainder of the profit/loss, would be halved.

Regardless of tax etc., this doesn't seem fair to your GF. Her £40,000 should participate fully in any growth in the value of the house (i.e. if the house rises 50% over 10 years and you sell it, she should get £60,000 before the balance is divided evenly.).
yes. I am in the UK. didn't realise this was an Irish site.

We discussed this. However, the £40,000 has locked in the house now will always stay locked in it won't it? We discussed it going in as a percentage (say for arguments sake, it worked out to 60/40), but then, to keep things even, she's have to pay 60% of the mortgate, 60% of mainteneance etc.

No. She starts off with £40k equity and £45k mortgage, you only have £45k mortgage. If you split the repayments evenly she should be entitled to (40+45)/(40+45+45) of the proceeds. I suppose maintenance does complicate things slightly, but even so I think your girlfriend is being far too generous. Has your solicitor recommended you both get independent legal advice?
her 40K EQ should be a % of the house value, or just give her 20K and then half everything.
her 40K EQ should be a % of the house value, or just give her 20K and then half everything.

OP - ignore any advice or commentary posted in this thread as the laws around this kind of transaction are undoubtedly handled differently by HM Customs & Revenue.

You will get advice from a UK site - sorry.