Buying in Kilcullen


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I'm looking at buying a house in Kilcullen. I was looking at Cnoc Na Greine, Hillcrest and Hermitage Park.

Anyone have any views on these areas?? 3 bed semis seem to be going for around the €330K mark although the are bigger than what you would find in Dublin.

What kind of a town is Kilcullen, any nice pubs/restaurants?? It is close to Naas so you could always go there at weekends of course.

Any opinions welcome.
I pass through Kilcullen occasionally and visually it is quite a pleasant place. There seem to be a couple of good pubs, good restaurants and an excellent cafe/deli. Naas is about a ten minute drive on a good road and Newbridge is about the same in the other direction.

My main bugbear is the traffic. The main road though the town sweeps across the Liffey and up the hill to a set of lights. Traffic can be VERY heavily backed up in all directions, especially if trying to turn right to The Curragh/Newbridge; so much so that traffic can be backed up all the way back through the town...

I saw at the weekend when passing through that further apartments are being built on the riverbank (c. 100 apartments in the development...)
Well to be honest there are alot nicer places you could buy in Kildare and for better prices, You can get a lovely house in Robertstown for a little extra, the government has alocated alot of money to this village for devolopment in the next few years, and its certainly one of the hot spots to make profit on property. Although anything that is coming on the market is not staying on it for long,
its beside the canal, alot of tourists in summer, lovely walks, ten mins from Naas and Newbridge, only 1 hour from dublin, Its got great pubs, you should check it out,
Which road would you use to get to Dublin from Kilcullen in the morning rush hour, the M7 via M9??
How long does it take to get to ParkWest area from Kilcullen in the morning??
You just go onto the M9 which takes you to the N7. With the new motorway almost finished and the lights eliminated at Johnstown and Kill it will take 30 Minutes to get to Parkwest.

By the way Mold so what if Robertstown has a canal. Kilcullen has a river, the Liffey and has better pubs. Add I don't live there.
Are you sure you're not confusing Park West with Citywest?? 30 minutes sounds very quick.
Ballyman, yes i think it was being confused with City West! I also work in Park West and am thinking of buying in Ballycullen, im reckoning it will take close to an hour! We went down there on Saturday for a look around, there was a lot of traffic about but it took around 35 mins! main bottle neck being the red cow roundabout! Seems like a lovely village tho!

Does anyone know what kind of tv and broadband services are available there - i heard of one company [broken link removed] (wondering if they service around this area) Also as regards transport, the Bus Eireann bus, does that stop anywhere on the route to Busaras?
Kilcullen alright. No real nice places to eat but there are plenty in Naas/newbride/Ballymore which are only a drive away. Close enought to Naas/Newbridge for going out on weekends - Kilcullen itself a bit dead.

Commute to citywest is fine - especially when N7 is finished - should only take 30-40 minutes. Is actually quicker to go through Naas onto the N7 than directly onto M9 at Kilcullen.

Parkwest will take a quite a bit longer as you will have to pass Newlands cross which is going to be a nightmare once N7 roadworks are finished as all traffic will fly up to there & then be stuck there. But if you leave early enough its still not the worst.

As regards prices for 3 bed semi - think Cnoc na greine are going for 295-300k, with castlemartin an extra €10k

Buses arent great - better to drive into Naas and get them there (can park for about €2.50 for the day)
Kilcullen is a lovely place to live and the people are friendly. The pubs are great craic...Bardon's being my favourite. There is a lovely restaurant called Cafe Tomat in Berneys and I highly recommend it and there is a Chinese restaurant opening soon, currently there is only a take away. The drive to Park West will probably take some time as you have to go through Newlands Cross but it's going to be the same if you lived in Naas or Robertstown as other people have suggested. An Tearman is also a nice spot for tea and a sandwich on a Saturday and one of the best butchers in kildare is in the centre of the village - Nolans.

House prices have risen steadily over the past couple of months with 3 bed semis in Cnoc na Greine now going for the same as'd be looking at 315k now, I spoke to one of the local estate agents about this a couple of weeks ago, although you may be lucky to get a quick sale a little under than this...

Don't know about the bus situation as I drive but I don't think they are great...

If you want to know anything else just ask!
Thanks for the info - I think ill have to do some test drives over the next week or so and see what times id have to be leaving to get in for 8.30/9.00, my boyf should be fine, he starts work at 7.30 so will be on the road from early. im doing a test drive this evening at 5.30 to kilcullen to see how long it takes me to get there.
I wouldn't worry about evenings because as soon as the roadworks are finished on the N7 you will fly out of Dublin once you get passed Newlands Cross. I presume these will all be finished in time for the Ryder Cup in September??
Also, a 3 bed semi is now €330K+ in all the estates. asking price is less but they all end up at around this price. Terraced houses in same estates are €317.5K+, regardless of what the asking price is.
Also, you can get the train to Parkwest from either Sallins or Newbridge. Only takes 20 minutes in the morning. I would imagine leaving at 7am would have you in plenty of time for 9am start. I have driven against the traffic a few times and it seems to backed out to Kingswood from Newlands cross at around 8am.
Does the townlink bus travel to Kilcullen or do you have to rely on Bus Eireann to get to Naas/Newbridge??
The town link goes to Newbridge.

I wouldn't buy in Kilcullen if I were you.
I was born and raised in Kilcullen so take it from one who knows this town well, it's going down hill fast.
Filling up with nameless faces that just commute to Dublin everyday, don't contribute to the community, which is still thriving behind their backs but for how long is the sad question.

Move somewhere you want to belong not just because it's convenient, you'll get a lot more out of it in the long run.
Kilcullen, I completely disagree with your statement. I was born and raised just outside Kilcullen and bought a house there because I like the area and also because it was affordable for us to do so at the time. The village has not "gone down hill fast". It is still as nice a place as ever and I love living there. There are things wrong in every town in the country, everywhere has problems but I don't know how you are backing up your statement...
Every village and town in the country is full of nameless you really expect to know everyone? The celtic tiger has changed things for village life, maybe for better or worse depending on your point of view, but it's going to be the same wherever you go. And all those people who commute (I'm one of them) do contribute to the community.

That's my tuppence worth, sorry but you've really annoyed me!
Hi there,

I have just bought a house in Kilcullen and am due to move in in the next week or so. We could have bought in Newbridge etc but held out for the right house in Kilcullen because we love the area. Everyobe is friendly and helpful (that we have met anyway!) The value of the houses are going up very quickly and are likely to keep going that way. I don't have children but I have heard that the schools in the area are excellent which is good to know.

I would say go for it, its a lovely town close to everywhere, but still far enough away from the madness of traffic etc that you get in Newbridge/Naas.
I also know Kilcullen very well and this "nameless face" using the name Kilcullen is not representative of Kilcullen peoples' real view. Perhaps he should move somewhere else.

PS. The only thing he got right is that it is actually going Down Hill. From whichever side you enter the town you go down hill to the Liffey.
Hi, does anybody know anything about the new apartments in Kilcullen on the river, have tried to get info on them but don't know who is selling them.
tycoon said:
Hi, does anybody know anything about the new apartments in Kilcullen on the river, have tried to get info on them but don't know who is selling them.


I think DNG Dowling Fitzsimons are selling them, their website is [broken link removed] . We bought our house from them and they seem to sell alot of the properties in the town. HTH.
Conway Keane are the other auctioneers for Market Square, Kilcullen. You can mail them at - its 1,2 and 3 bed apts, they didnt have pricing details available when I mailed them.
Yes I contacted both auctioneers but they didn't have any info, heard that the 2 beds in kilcullen market square are coming in around 400,000 a bit too pricey for me, and i think way overpriced for kilcullen, i am looking at a 2 bed apartment in Newbridge for 280,000 which i think is a better deal especially with Whitewater, train station, theatre, Tesco, Dunnes, Woodies,etc. Compared with Kilcullen there is no comparison.