buying in cabra..what are the nicer roads..



hi all, im hoping to be in a position to buy a house next summer. the areas that i have been looking at online are cabra and drimnagh mainly due to there prices which are lower that other area. if any one lives there or anyone knows it id be grateful if you could advise me as to what roads are nicer ones...and what ones to stay awat from... I lived in drimnagh before renting and the area was fine. id consider that area too but i like that cabra is nearer to town and the prices appear less. any comments or opinions greatlt appreciated.

im a single guy in my early 30's who likes to go out now and then. I also have not been having much luck with shared accommodation. i think its more difficult to move in and share with strangers when you get a bit older. im gone nuts from this so im determined to buy a house for about 100k.
Don't think you'll find a house on a "nicer" road anywhere in dublin for that cheap.

We were looking in cabra for quite a while earlier this year. The "nicer" part is east of Quarry Road and south of Fassaugh Road. The roughest looking bit is up by Broombridge station. My favourite road by far was Newgrange Rd - really quiet.

If you see a house you like and aren't sure about the street, go for a visit at different times - particularly weekend nights (10pm-2am). Go for a walk around at these times and see how you feel.

In the end we got a bigger house with a bigger garden on a really quiet and nice road in Rialto, so I'd suggest doing lots of research, putting in a lot of hours and not limiting your search to just one area. Plenty of value to be had out there right now - you just need to put the work in and take your time to find the right place. Best of luck.
Don't think you'll find a house on a "nicer" road anywhere in dublin for that cheap.


agreed!....houses for that money in drimnagh will likely be on some of the less attractive roads and will prob need a lot of work done....but thats not to say its not worth doing.....curious that you find cabra closer to town? I would have said Drimnagh is closer myself!
I agree with BICIP ie that you will struggle in either area to get a house for 100K even on a "bad" road.
If thats your budget you should look at Lower Ballyfermot - the housing stock there is the exact same style as in Cabra and Drimnagh and is lower priced - due to the rep. of Ballyfermot. However, I lived there for 8 years and found it absolutely fine. Yes there were some people there that I wouldn't want to have a drink with but overall its a very settled area, with alot of older people. Its also near town, 4km from my old house to O'Connell bridge.
Also agree with those who say you need to do alot of visiting of the areas you are looking in at different times of the day / week etc. You're on a tight budget and will need to do ALOT of work to find a house anywhere near town.
thanks very much for the replies.. i would be able to stretch to 130k. I dont mind doing a bit of work on a place. there are some places advertised for sale at around this price. I wont be ready until next year to buy so am hoping prices will drop a bit more by then.
Jasus I hope they don't drop to that (being a potential seller !). Seriously good bargains at the moment when you can buy a house for less than the build cost..
Jasus I hope they don't drop to that (being a potential seller !). Seriously good bargains at the moment when you can buy a house for less than the build cost..

To be honest, build cost has nothing to do with whether something is a bargain. Location, quality and size matter. Build costs spiralled out of control. Telling a buyer how much something cost to build won't have any effect on whether it's a bargain or not.
No it doesn't but the point is the cost of actually building these houses is getting to be higher than the cost of sale