Buying Ex Out Mortgage Free


Registered User
Ex and bought apartment for 140k in 2010. Mortgage is cleared. Deposits and mortgage payments all paid 50:50 and we are joint owners.

The relationship broke down 2 years ago and ex now lives with new partner, soon to be married. I have been living in apartment for the past two years paying all maintenance, bills etc while ex in with new partner all while paying her rental value for her half.

Apartments in area have now moved up in value to 230-240k for similar to ours bedroom wise (though all on Daft much nicer, balconies, better aspects, new bathrooms and kitchens, more floorspace). I have offered ex 100k to buy her out, as well as covering legal fees. I have read many posts about people having to get independent valuations when trying to buy ex partners out but they all appear to be mortgaged properties,would the same apply to an owned property? Ex has indicated that she is happy to take that as wants it sorted quick before her wedding and I am in the process of getting documents together for mortgage application. Should I expect any major hiccups legally? Awaiting solicitor appointment but for various work reasons can't get to them until October.
Hi Zlatan

Do you have the €100k in cash or do you need a mortgage?

I have said this to people before, when you agree something, get it done as quickly as possible while you are still on good terms. Things happen and people fall out and then they become very difficult to resolve.

This is the 16th Sept. Is the delay in seeing the solicitor on your side or on the solicitor's side. If it's on the solicitor's side, change solicitors.

You probably don't need to meet the solicitor. If they have the title deeds they should be able to deal with your ex's solicitor and agree everything and then bring you in for the signing.

I have €50k in cash and would need to borrow the rest. It's a mix of me and solicitor, he handled the initial sale so for familiarity's sake I went with him. I agree with you on moving forward as quickly as possible, everytime I look on daft the prices are higher. Thank you.