Buying Diamonds Online


Registered User

I am looking at buying an eternity ring and it seems online from the states is good value.

Is it a bit dodgey though ?

The site I am looking at is
Has anyone any experince of this company ?

ice said:
Is it a bit dodgey though ?
I'd be very reluctant to buy a high-value item like that online. How do you know you won't just get a lump of glass?
Ice - Diamonds are very specialist merchandise and you could end up with anything. My grandmother used to describe it as "buying a pig on a poke" which I think sprang from the old market tradition where you never judged the contents of a shut sack by just 'poking' it; you opened it to see if what was claimed was actually inside.

Why not get a budget-airline flight to London and visit the Hatton Garden (diamond centre) shops to see what the range/prices are. The "West End" and traders such as Cartier are much more expensive. Amsterdam is probably the cheapest and best place in Europe for purchasing diamonds and you could try googling De Beer.
..........and much more romantic if Mrs. Ice gets to choose her eternity ring during an anniversary break in Amsterdam or London (hint hint!)
Got my Mrs a diamond platnium enternity ring in Chicago last year.

$1,500 + taxes in Tiffany's on the magnificant mile.

According to her the same ring costs GBP £5,000 in London.

Not sure if they sell online, but at least their reputable.
I like your thinking marie ;)

I've also been told I'd probably have to pay duty when it arrived in Ireland so that would probably cancel out the saving ...

we are going to the states at the end of 06 so might wait until then..

Thanks for the replies