buying car in UK, insurance more?


Registered User
Thinking of going over to the UK to buy a new car. Just looking at different cars at the moment and checked insurance online for some of them to get an idea how much insurance will be on different makes and models.
One of the questions on asks if the car is imported. If answer no insurance fully comp is €369 and if answer yes is €1009. Big difference!

Does this apply to cars bought in UK or is it for Japanse imports etc.
try somewhere else as this is not normally a question i would expect to be asked.
FBD and quinn offer good quotes.

make sure to shop around. Irish banks wont offer best exchange rates, contact your bank and then xe or to save a few hundred euro
i think that refers to jap import, most likely. myself and my partner imported two cars last year and our insurance was not effected. two different companys hibernian and eagle star. i dont remember ever being asked was i driving an import when renewing my insurance