This is an interesting thread and I agree that it makes sense to diversify somewhat when investing. One could say they agree with a little of what everyone has said, but who's to say what's right or wrong? Over the past year or two very big international funds have invested in Irish property, not the type of investment the likes of you or me can afford, but it was in property and the yields have been extremely rewarding, along with the fact that the original investment has soared in value, etc. I know I'm talking about office block investment, apartment block investment and all that, but still property, albeit in proportions the ordinary person cannot ever envisage. I think it's a real pity in some ways that professionals who could make their living by investing for more or less ordinary clients just hasn't got his/her message across of what they're selling, how they operate, their charges, their own contacts, etc, etc. They also need people to trust them. It's as if they don't want business, or are too far up the financial ladder to care about people with 20k, 30k, 40k, 50k, +++++ to invest. Maybe if one of these people spoke the simple man's language they might corner a very very lucrative market indeed. As someone said to me a few months ago, there's an awful lot of rich ordinary people out there today, the money that was foolishly invested/lost in the Celtic Tiger hasn't just evaporated into thin air, 'twas never destroyed, it's out there. Now with people inheriting large sums, large estates, shares, etc, etc, etc, it would make a lot of sense for a smart young person starting off in the investment business to corner what might be a very lucrative end of the market. A bit of common sense, a bit of trust, some patience, wouldn't be a bad thing to have. You might be surprised!!