Buying a UK car from SIMI dealer


Registered User
Hi folks,

The wife is looking to buy an 08 Golf from a SIMI dealer but car is a UK import. Is there anything specific to look out for?
Are there pro and cons in buying a UK car?
I have read from a previous post that there may be a premium to pay for a service of a UK car?
What else?
My brother just bought a 08 Golf tdi from derry which cost €13800 fully cleared.So one thing to watch is that she doesn't overpay.
Cheers Vandriver.
I might as well post the figures.

She's trading in an 07 Golf 1.4 with about 40k on it. It needs a service and a couple of tyres plus the 2 year warranty is up.
The cost of changing to an 08 1.9TDI (15k) is €5750.

We have shopped around a bit (3 dealers) in the Republic and it seems a decent price.
Cheers Vandriver.
I might as well post the figures.

She's trading in an 07 Golf 1.4 with about 40k on it. It needs a service and a couple of tyres plus the 2 year warranty is up.
The cost of changing to an 08 1.9TDI (15k) is €5750.

We have shopped around a bit (3 dealers) in the Republic and it seems a decent price.

I would without doubt be looking at the UK market, be it the North or mainland Britain if replacing the car. No question. Have done it for every car Ive bought, been satisfied with the vehicle, had no problems with them, got a better spec, lower miles and best of all a cheaper price.
My brother bought himself a BMW in the UK a 6 weeks ago and got a letter from the dealer 2 weeks ago following up on the sale and ensuring all is ok - would you get that sort of service in the Republic?? - not that Ive heard of!
If you have no trade-in then a personal import, given the low price of Sterling, is exactly the right way to go.

If you have a car to sell, then you have to recognise that prices have dropped if not collapsed. That goes for trade-in too.

Op - why would you trade in an 07 car for an 08? Even the price of a service and 2 tyres can't be more than €500? An 08 will be a fair way through a warranty too.

There's no premium in servicing a UK car. It's a myth.

Would you not have to pay VRT for the new vehicle when you bring it back down?
You pay VRT on all vehicles but it still works out better on the majority of cars. Note if the car is less than 6 months old or has less than 6000 miles on the clock, you'll need to pay VAT also as the revenue just assumes its a new car