Buying a Stolen Recovered car---help


Registered User
I watch an online ad for 07 Vw golf in mint condition with only 27K km on it when I call the guy he said that it is stolen recovered car and has low milage because was lying with garda for 1.5 years.
He said log book/vlc is in name of insurance company "Quinn" and he is a trader want to sell for a profit, he sounds genuine to me but it made me little confuse. Is this guy telling the truth or stay away from this?

Thanks for your help..
In general if it sounds too good to be generally is. A 4 year old car with 27km on the clock, even if the Gardai have had it for 1.5 years - does not sound genuine to me!
In my opinion also its not good for a car to be left lying around for 1.5 years and not driven.
I would imagine that 'stolen recovered' would follow the car for the rest of it's life in the history too, as per 'repaired write off'. Sounds too fraught with 'if's' to me as well. The market is flooded with reasonably priced cars at the moment, what with people needing a quick sale due to emigration and so on... plenty of less complicated deals out there at reasonable money.
In my opinion also its not good for a car to be left lying around for 1.5 years and not driven.

Yep, there have been threads on this here previously. A car left sitting that long is likely to need quite a bit of work. Certainly don't entertain the idea without getting a competent mechanic take a look. Pay for this service if you have to, the work required could run into thousands.
Thanks for all your replies, very helpful suggestions there. Idea dropped will buy a year old car for same price:)