Buying a site without planning permission?



I was thinking of buying a site and I would like your opinions,
The site is currently on sale as is for 40000 or pending planning permission for 80000. I know that planning permission was refused on the site before because the person was not local and local restrictions apply to the site, (I am local so I should have no problems)
Is there any way of viewing the plans and history of the planning permission to see if there were any other reasons the site would be refused planning permission?
Would I be crazy to risk buying the site “as is” in hope that I would get planning permission or out line planner to maybe sell it on again?
Is there anything else I should watch out for when buying a site?
And would you risk buying a site without planning? a 0.5acre field wouldn’t be much use to me unless I could build on it!

Thank you..
You should be able to look at the previous planning applications on the website of the relevant local authority.
I would definately not buy the site without looking at the previous planning application. It will detail the reasons and considerations upon which planning permission was refused. Depending on the rural policy in place in the local authority area you may well have to show documentary evidence etc.. to prove you are from the local area and are need of housing in order to get approval for a dwelling in the countryside. The development plan for the area should detail exactly what will be required from you.

On most local authority websites you can look up previous planning applications and on some it may be possible to download the planner's report which assesses the application. That should give you more detailed information as to the concerns of the planning authority in making its decision to refuse permission for the previous proposed development. If you cannot download the previous planning refusal and planners report on the LA website, those documents will be available to view at the public planning counter so I would definately recommend calling in to look at them.

I would also look at any planning policy and objectives in the Development Plan that apply to the site or the local area (please note the development plan is reviewed every 6 six years so it is possible that a new plan may be in place from when the previous application was refused).

Also, you might want to chat to the area planner, as he/she should be able to advise you on any issues with regard to the site. Whether the lands are serviced or not and whether there are such things as conservation areas, protected trees/hedgerows on site etc... may also impact on the development potential of the site.

If local restrictions apply as you point out then you could have a problem selling it on.
If local restrictions were the only reason for refusal then check the terms of this condition.

I doubt if the site would be for sale at half the price if this was the only reason.
Caveat emptor
An amateurs question I know but is it possible to find out if a site has been refused planning permission in the past (maybe such questions are covered under freedom of information) and if so who would one ask ? The planning department ?
An amateurs question I know but is it possible to find out if a site has been refused planning permission in the past (maybe such questions are covered under freedom of information) and if so who would one ask ? The planning department ?

Local planning office.

If it has been turned down once for planning, it doesn't look good! I don't know what county you are from but there certain stipulations you have to follow even though you are local - if you currently live in a town and want to build out in countryside this goes against you, you have to have been living in area for at least 5 year and live within a 5 mile radius of site also have to prove a housing need if you own an existing house. These were just some of the guidelines I had to follow when obtaining my planning - by the way I bought my land without planning but it was in good location - 1 mile from nearest town - I did manage to obtain planning even though I have a house but I proved I had a need and the fact that I live in country and moving within countryside. Good look with purchase but do research beforehand.
Stir Crazy,

It is no problem at all to look at previous planning applications for a site and to see what has been granted or refused permission in the past, particularly if the application was made in the last ten years.

You can look this up on most local authority websites - they usually have a planning search option and on many you can look up the site and past applications via a map. However, if you are unfamiliar with the planning system I would recommend calling in to the public planning counter at your county/town council offices and asking there to look at previous planning applications for the site you are interested in. They will be able to show you the relevant information. It's part of their day-to-day job.
Thank you for your responses. It sounds like it could be risky committing myself to this site without planning, I have had a look on the county council web site, it does not give details of the planning refusal, so I will arrange to call in and view the details in the office.
I mentioned I was local in my first post, but I currently live and work in a different county, so this might go against me? However my family home still live within 4km radius of the site. I think I have a lot of research to do on this..