buying a showhouse pros and cons


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Has any one ever bought the show house .. what are the pros and cons .we are considering it. I have been told the house will
be snagged and decorative touch ups done as required.
I can see it could be easier - but I would only do it if renting. The furnishings will date quicker, and stupid stuff like my friend bought one but the mirror was too high for her makeup to be done!
If furniture is included in the purchase, measure the beds. Some 'creative' developers have been known to have beds specifically manufactured so that they're a bit smaller than normal to give the illusion that the bedrooms are bigger than they actually are!.

Friend caught out on this, and as a six feet eight tall chap, there wasn't a bed in the house he could sleep in!.

Showhouses can be finished shodily so as to get them ready for viewings faster (and since no-one is going to live in them for a while, actual function isn't urgent) so be careful with a snag list.
A standard double bed used to be 4', it's now 4'6" but you can still get 4' beds, which make the room look bigger. No need to get beds specially made!!
I would agree to look out for shoddy finishing and cut corners.

A friend of mine bought the show house and years later tried to remove the wallpaper. They had not bothered to skim the walls, just stuck the wallpaper onto the plasterboard.
Showhouse next door to where I bought. Purchasers in the estate would call to show house and point out problems to builder. Builder learned as he went along. Changed light fittings, window types, sockets, built in wardrobes, kitchen etc. So the end houses in the estate were "better/ improved" by the builder as he progressed.