Buying a race horse


Registered User
Has anybody had the experienced of buying a race horse ?
If so how did you go about it and what has been the overall outcome ?
The only advice I can give you is "Count The Legs!" Almost every horse I ever put a bet on turned out to have only 3.
You would be as well to try a syndicate first because you learn a huge amount and it doesn't cost as much as if you were on your own. We're in a syndicate that owns a horse that I'm beginning to wonder has he only 3 legs! However, he's only a rookie and he's lovely.

However, it's a bit of fun - would be more so if the others were more our age - (whisper - this side of the hill).

Some syndicates advertise for members. I know ours would like another one because one member died. My husband is secretary and I do the typing for him so I'm unofficially a member.

The horse is with a trainer in Cork and the expenses have to be paid and the races and transport to the races have to be paid. This is the trainer's livelihood. A direct debit is paid out of each member's account every month and when there's a race in which our pride and joy is running with the wind we're there (in my case, only on Saturday or Sunday, because I work.)

As I said it's an interest but it - like golf or anything else social - costs a bit of money.

If he wins a big one I'll shout it out on AAM!
From my experience, from the outside looking in, they cost a lot of money. Generally the kind of horses that become available to syndicates, especially made up of people who aren't in the business, would be of Berlin's 3 legged variety. Great craic, but don't expect a return, or even to break even for that matter! If you do win a race or two consider it a bonus, at least it will go towards reducing the cost in any one year.