Buying a Panasonic 37inch TV



Hi, want to know from all you knowledegable people if I buy a TV in UK OR North , will it work in the south and will Amazon deliver TV to Republic of Ireland?
No idea about Amazon delivery.

Regarding the TV working in the south, it depends on what TV service you have. If you use NTL or SKY then their decoder boxes work as the tuner and any TV can be used. If you just have the 'pipe' feeding direct from the wall into the back of your TV, the TV itself must have an Irish tuner, which as far as I know, you wont be able to get through the UK, not sure about the north.
depends on model - some have univeral tuners, some uk compatible only. Check the specs. As mentioned - not an issue for sky. Freesat is also pointless to you. Amazon website can advise re delivery but my guess is no

Thanks for that. Yeah , I have a decoder so it means Im ok.