Buying a new laptop & need advice


Registered User
Me again! I need to replace my 5 y/o Dell desktop PC and I want to get a laptop. I need it to have the following

* Heaps of storage/operating space for my many US TV downloads
* NOT VISTA (devil's very own work...) XP preferably
* Numeric keypad - can't be doing with that top row stuff
* 15 inch screen minimum
* Reliable
* Not too heavy

I'd prefer to spend less than €700 all in. All help gratefully welcomed

This site is input what you want your laptop to have and it searchs for a suitable laptop for you..

Also I used and found good before.
Just beware with My experience with them was horrific! I ended up going down the European Small Claims Court to get my money back.
If its for watching downloaded TV mostly, then how about an ASUS EEE Box PC connected in to your HD flatscreen TV if you have one. Combined with a Keysonic wireless keyboard/mouse, I find it pretty good for general browsing, RTE iplayer, always on music streaming, etc. Oh and I bought mine from laptopsdirect without any problems.
If you don't want Vista, Windows 7 is coming out later in the year will be available as standard offering. It is reportedly much better. some laptop manufacturers/sellers, to discourage those who want to postpone, will give you an upgrade voucher if you buy now.
I noticed PC World are advertising an Asus laptop with (I think) a 250GB hard drive, integrated webcam and what singularly struck me: a dedicated number pad. Price is €399.

Obviously this will come with Vista. However most PC's being sold at the moment come with a voucher for an upgrade to Windows 7 when it is released in October. Might be worth checking out to ensure that this laptop also benefits from this.

And of course with PC World, always refuse their bullsh*t product insurance hard-sell...

That sounds good, my other half won't watch half the stuff I download as he doesn't like watching it on the laptop. Do you use the TV as the permanent monitor then?
i always thought laptops meant something that comfortably fits on your lap,a fifteen inch screen is huge.