Buying a house in Mayo



Looking for some insight into a house we are looking at in Wesport. It is a new build on an acre with good views . This is obviously great.
The query is in regards the site itself and the developer. The site is a reclaimed wet land that seems to have been reclaimed with building landfill and the like . Also the developer is going direct labour so no homebond either on the house .
Can anyone tell me if these would be real issues particularly the landfill issue as there is also a small stream bordering the site .
Is there anything else I should be querying. I have pushed the auctioneer on all these issues but you can guess his responses.
So long as the landfill hasn't been dumped in on top of 20 ft. of bog, has had a good time to settle, and you're using a raft, you should be ok. Whether or not the stream would be affected would surely be determined by the material in the landfill.

Have you an engineer or architect working on your behalf while the build is ongoing, if not it might be something worth considering.

I could well be wrong but I wouldn't have thought that a developer subcontracting the work to others would not be able to get homebond, but the cost might particularly if they are developing on a small scale.
An engineer told me once ( while looking at a friends house which had a two inch wide settlement crack ) that you should wait 7 years for landfill to settle before building on it.
Guys, I appreciate the for thought..