Buying a house in Esmondale (Naas) Co. Kildare



Hi all.

I am in the process of buying a house in Esmondale, which is in Naas Co. Kildare. Don’t really know much about the area. Its seems to be a nice quiet location. An offer of €322k was accepted for the house, which to me seems to be on the low side. (Maybe I’m just to use to Dublin prices) Not to sure if this is the rate around Naas but the house is a large 3 bed and has the attic converted which I suppose makes it a 4 bed. Work dose need to be done to the house but structural it is fine.

Can anyone tell me is Esmondale a good / decent area. What is norm price wise for a nice 3 bed in Naas.

Any comments would be of help
A little out of town however a nice area
Good price for house. Naas a great living here for the past 10 years and would not want to live any whrer else
Although esmondale priced reasonable cheap for 3 beds in naas it is surrounded by 3 of most expensive estates in the town - Carrig Oscair, Broadfield View and Killashee View so you definitely getting value for money in this quiet corner of the town. Most of amenities are at far end of town but there is a new educational campus to be built just out the road (but within walking distance) near Killashee comprising Primary, second level and third level colleges. This should make Esmondale even more attractive in the future. Well done on your buy.
I will probably be attacked for saying this but I looked at esmondale when I was buying in naas earlier this year, they are always cheaper, when I made some local enquiries as to why, I was told it wouldn't be the best estate in the town & would have had a bad name. perhaps that has all changed but that's what I've been told.