Buying a house in between jobs?

Joe Nonety

Registered User
I'm moving to Cork in a month and would like to buy a house with my GF in the mean time (or at least start the process).
Seeing the banks ask for 3 payslips and confirmation from my company that I'm in full-time employment (which technically I'll be on 3 months probation), does this mean my plans will have to be put on hold?
Probably better waiting, but if your current (new) employer writes a letter that simply states you are a full time employee and leaves out any mention of probabtion, that might suffice.

P.S. I'm not suggesting that you 'lie' on your application or ask your employer to do so, just choose what you say/don't say carfeully.
most banks will accept a letter from your employer stating 'they forsee no reason at this time why you should not continue in your employment after your probationary period is over' this satisfies banks and employers, as if your employer did want to let you go, it gives them a get out clause, a letter stating that you will be in employment could come back to haunt them so employers are usually aprehensive about putting it in writing.
you will probably need at least one payslip though.