Buying a derelict house question on grants


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Hi All
I the next few months I am planning to buy a house. My separation will be completed, looks like I'll have the opportunity to buy a friends aunts house, nobody living there for the last 3 years. House is livable but needs a lot of work, BER rating about F. Anyway I will be looking to avail of the gov grants.
Has anyone gone through this, if so what was your experience. Its not that easy to get information.
Any and all information most welcome.
Is the intention to buy this as your PPR as an investment? If it's the latter then are you are that it's the most appropriate investment for your overall financial/personal circumstances and needs?

This scheme may be of relevance just in case you're not aware of it already?
There are two grants - vacant and derelict house grant. There is €20k of a difference.
The house that you describe will probably qualify for vacant house grant as its livable and was lived in until quite recently.
Derelict means structurally unsound etc.
Read the fine print on the grant conditions carefully. They list a threshold to be spent on each element of the build so just satisfy yourself that you are aware of what the eventual payout will be. Eg being that they won't fund a standalone fossil fueled boiler, if you do work yourself your labour is not payable but materials are etc.

Also if getting a mortgage, I did hear some noise about banks not being happy to finalise lending with the council charge on the property, maybe this has since been sorted but check on it. There is also the loan system below:

Can you live on site during all the work? If not, do you have somewhere else to stay?

Best of luck with it and the next chapter of your life. I do love to see these old buildings brought back to life.
If you get to buy it privately without it going on the market, it may be in your interest. Anecdotally, I've heard that the grants have added quite a bit to the price of these types of properties.
Just check as well, re the vacant house tax.
I know from a derelict site sale that all derelict site tax has to have been paid for previous years. Obviously that makes sense if a grant is being paid by the State.
Vacant tax is a multiple of LPT; the derelict one may be a % of value.
My brother has gone through the vacant homes grant application and been approved, lot of form filling and he's good at that but he still got queries back for further info and clarification! Estimates required and all that and must wait then for council inspection and approval before starting or moving in if that is your intention.

There is a very good FB page specifically for Derelict & Vacant Homes grant, practically every question gets asked and oddly enough councils seem to vary in their requirements slightly which shouldn't be the case but is! Re the vacancy some councils will take letter from ESB confirming low usage but my brother had to get a full 2 yrs of actual printed bills for the property, just one of the differences that come to mind.
Thanks all, it would be mt PPR forever home please god. Like most people just seperated want a roof over my head.